Ediciones ARQ is a publishing house dedicated to architecture and urbanism. Our editorial work is focused on two lines of production: the publication of ARQ Magazine (released in April, August and December of each year) and the production of a diverse set of books that today form part of eight active collections.

ARQ is a non-profit architectural magazine published by Ediciones ARQ of the School of Architecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Since its foundation in 1980, ARQ has been published without interruption, becoming one of the most prestigious academic journals of architecture in Latin America.

ARQ is published three times a year; the magazine, bilingual since 2001, has built its reputation due to a strong emphasis on reflection, research, and critical dissemination of contemporary architectural production.

ARQ books include student bibliographies, monographs, technical books and special editions, grouped in eight collections:

Serie Obra / Featuring built work of architects in the first stage of their career.

Serie Extensa / Presentation of a wide selection of works of acclaimed architects.

Arquitectura – Teoría y Obra / Bibliographies for architecture school courses.

Serie Palabra / Small books on architectural theory.

Monografías de arquitectura chilena contemporánea / About works and projects of Chilean architects.

Serie Bolsillo Técnico / Small book related to a building industry product and its application.

Arquitectura y Técnica / In-depth study of specific building issues.

Serie Difusión / Publications of built projects related to a particular theme.